The "Boats" ranged in sizes, horsepower and paint scheme, but all indispensable to getting the group out to the site and the sole mode of transportation within the Everglades
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Eastern Airlines Flight 401 Tribute Group Sole Mode Of Transportation Within The Everglades "AIRBOATS"
The "Boats" ranged in sizes, horsepower and paint scheme, but all indispensable to getting the group out to the site and the sole mode of transportation within the Everglades
Eastern Airlines Flight 401 Tribute Group Prepares For The First Of Many Crash Site Survey of Flight 401
Having been and operated in some the most remote parts of the world while undertaking the survey of aircraft accidents and crashes will in the service of Lloyd's of London and despite being in a "friendly" environment with the support of over eight air boats, direct contact via communication to the Opa Locka U.S. Coast Guard Air Station, Benny still conducts a proper and detailed equipment check for the group before heading out
Miami, Florida 12th September 2009: In a combined effort by all hands of the Eastern Airlines Flight 401 Tribute Group, the group makes ready for their first formal and organized expedition back out to the crash site of 37 years ago, so as to undertake a survey of the area.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Eastern Airlines Flight 401 Tribute Group Survivor Meets One of His Rescuer from 37 Years Ago
Miami, Florida 12th September 2009: As it always appears to be with the Eastern Airlines Flight 401 Tribute Group each exploit and undertaking that the group plans and does results in a new and wonderful find. Such is the case when during the preparation of the first organized survey tour back to the crash site of 37 years ago and as the group gathered at the Air Boater Association of Florida grounds, the past met the present.
After 37 Years The Eastern Airlines Flight 401 Tribute Group Locates and Indentify Wreckage From Aircraft N310EA
Miami, Florida 12th September 2009: After 37 years surviving member of Eastern Airlines Flight 401 find themselves back to the site of the crash of their L-1011, N310EA, but this time they are not alone.
AirBoat Association of Florida (AAOF) & Cooper City Assist The Eastern Airlines Flight 401 Tribute Group With Their Survey of The Crash Site
Miami, Florida 12th September 2009: The Eastern Airlines Flight 401 Tribute Group wishes to thank all the good and caring folks both at the Air Boat Association of Florida (AAOF) and the Cooper City, as their willingness to help is greatly appreciated. In speaking to Mr. Keith Price the President of the Air Boat Association of Florida he mentioned that his organization will support the Eastern Airlines Flight 401 Tribute Group in providing transportation from time to time back to the site for any research and collection of information that would help the group establish itself. The group fully appreciate the support of the local airboating community as it was an lone airboat manned by the late Mr. Robert "Bud" Marquis that came to the rescue of Flight 401 and 37 years later the airboats and its great folks still are forever rendering the assistance that started 37 years ago.
We at the Eastern Airlines Flight 401 Tribute Group wish to thank and hold in great esteem all the folks that make up the airboat community and culture that is so special to South Florida and those who are here today because of the rescue they offered 37 years ago.