Miami, Florida 5th January 2010: In what is being consider the culmination of a solid year of working and building the Eastern Airline Flight 401 Tribute Group, the had a proud high light in being invited by Captain Kenin, the Commanding Officer of Coast Guard Air Station Miami to lecture of their post crash experience to his aircrews and visiting Federal, State and Local law enforcement aircrews.
This marked the 4th public presentation that Eastern Airlines Flight 401 Tribute Group has done to share and inform the public about the industry changing crash of 29th December 1972 since their focused efforts started a year ago to the date.
Aside from Captain Kenin, the Eastern Airlines Flight 401 Tribute Group would wish to thank the following U.S. Coast Guard Flight Safety Office at Coast Guard Air Stattion Miami who made the event possible in working with them to hone the presentation to the most added value to their crews. We at the Eastern Airlines Flight 401 Tribute Group extended our thanks and a "Bravo Zulu" to LCDR Daniel Duetermann, Lt. Paul Lalicata and Lt. Aron Ortenzio whose efforts and coordination made the event possible.
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